Forklifts slowdown. The safety of vehicles inside warehouses and production areas is a fundamental issue that requires increasingly safe and technological devices. Tamarri has always been at the forefront of research and distribution of the best solutions in this field.
Slowing down the forklift: a safety issue
Safety is a very sensitive topic within warehouses and production sites in general, especially when the matter is that of slowing down in specific and sensitive areas.
Workplace safety laws are increasingly specific and severe, as are the regulations. Warehouses, although highly automated, must take into account many and often unexpected variables. For instance, the movements of pedestrians within specific maneuvering areas, “blind” corridors in which vehicles maneuver.
Therefore, increasingly technological and high-level devices and solutions managed and controlled remotely via websites, mobile phones and tablets come into play.
Tamarri is giving his contribution on this fundamental aspect.
Read how! ????
Tamarri and the slowdown in zone and area
Tamarri S.r.l. developed a device thanks to the highly technological combination of sensors and transmitters. But let’s see how.
Main functionalities
The combination of different sensors and transmitters from the STS range allows to slow down the forklift in medium-large areas (production areas, corridors, warehouses with a high density of pedestrians) or in specific areas (pedestrian crossings, intersections, offices). Let’s now analyze the devices used within the STS ecosystem.
Devices and technical data of the individual components
STS90A forklift device 12-24V
FORKLIFT DEVICE: the core of the system, used for the collection of signals, data and parameterization of the system. It has 2 on-board relays for access control and speed reduction and a shock sensor.
Wall-mounted powered transmitters
These transmitters allow you to automate the the speed of the vehicle in specific areas (reduced and normal speed)
- STS95 area limitation transmitter
- STS94 speed restore transmitter
- STS99 zone limitation transmitter
They are equipped with a LIR2450 rechargeable buffer battery to cover blackout periods. External power is required (reccomended devices).
Wall-mounted battery transmitters:
- STS95P area limitation transmitter
- STS94P function restore transmitter
- STS99P zone limitation transmitter
Simpler to apply, but they require periodic maintenance (replacement of the CR2450 3.6V battery every 6/8 months).
The STS95 and STS95P area limitation transmitters are normally used to manage access gates in risk areas. When the STS90A forklift device enters the sensor “bubble”, the k2 relay closes, the device light turns from green to orange and the speed is reduced. The state of the relay remains the same, even when you leave the sensor’s interception zone or if you turn the vehicle off and on again.
The STS94 and STS94P function restore transmitters represent the antagonists of the slowdown transmitters. When the previously slowed down forklift enters the “bubble” of the sensor, the k2 relay reopens and the device light turns green again, restoring the standard speed of the vehicle.
The STS99 and STS99P area limitation transmitters are used to limit the speed of vehicles in restricted areas, pedestrian crossings, refreshment areas, intersections and offices. When the STS90A forklift device enters the sensor area, the k2 relay closes, the device light turns red and the speed of the vehicle is limited.
After a certain period of time expressed in seconds – settable through SafeTApp – from the moment the vehicle leaves the sensor “bubble”, the k2 relay reopens, the device light turns green again and the standard speed of the vehicle is restored.
General information on use and assembly
The STS90A device should preferably be mounted on the topof the forklift. Both access control and collision control can be activated, even if the specific lifting limitation function does not require them.
Application examples of the STS94-STS95 sensors for slowing down in the area.
Application examples of STS99 sensors for area slowdown.
Complete control thanks to the SafeTAp APP
Thanks to the STS cloud platform, all STS series devices and transmitters can be managed with our free Android application. With a phone or tablet it is possible to modify all the parameters of the devices: slowing down of vehicles in the area, anti-collision, pedestrian, door opener, traffic light signals, and much more!
Distances, times and all parameterisations of the individual devices can be conveniently set via the SafeTApp.
All devices and transmitters of the STS series, as well as the systems created with them, are NOT to be considered PPE (PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT) and DO NOT replace such devices which the user must be provided with according to legal provisions. However, they represent a valid aid to safety in all sectors.
The sale of STS systems is reserved only to specialized workshops in the sector.
Tamarri S.r.l. carries on concrete commitment to workplace safety. Thanks to the collaboration with DOT-net, Tamarri has developed a system which, together with various other characteristics, also has that of slowing down in the area! Find out more on the STS Platform website!