Industrial IoT: five objectives to achieve within 2021 by elaborating datas in a comptetent way
Industrial IoT: Let’s clarify the data reading
Often due to the difficult interpretation, some entrepreneurs do not fully exploit what can be obtained from data and the value they can generate. A value often not clearly identifiable. Let’s try to clarify.
We assume that data is increasingly a strategic asset for any business. So it is clear that knowing how to decode them, understand them is important to be able to activate an entrepreneurial policy that takes into account their forecasts, which will make the difference.
Let’s analyze five aspects that are able to make the company competitive. These are extremely concrete aspects that can be achieved during the year. How? With a correct and competent analysis of the data generated by machinery through Industrial IoT solutions.
Five objectives for a competitive company
1. Ordinary maintenance
OEMs, i.e. Original Equipment Manufacturers (original equipment manufacturers) play a key role right now. To concretely assist their customers by encouraging rigorous and constant maintenance.
How? They Decline their know-how to the analysis of diagnostic data collected over time. This activity, which should become a real program, will produce value over time that will lead to an increasingly predictive, precise and effective analysis.
2. Know your customers
The analysis of data from IoT is a fundamental tool in order to learn about the machine life. Through the data it is possible to understand if the operators are using them correctly and how and when maintenance is done
This is how you can understand if there is room to use them even better to achieve maximum efficiency and therefore full customer satisfaction.
3. Predictive problem analysis
Accessing the data allows greater proactivity towards the customer because it allows you to act before the assistance channels are activated.
How? By equipping the after-sales service with the tool able to monitor the connected machines. By doing so, it is possible to identify in time critical and alarming situations, unsafe working conditions or major failures
4. To Understand concretely how to improve the machines
Thanks to the correct use of analytical data it becomes less complex to understand how to improve the product in terms of mechanics and engineering. The technical and R&D department itself can also benefit from this.
5. Be more proactive towards the final customer
For every company is foundamental the need of manufacturers, which is to capitalize on product know-how effectively, thus improving knowledge of the machinery.
Only by doing so it will be possible to be closer to customers, with the common aim to increase and finalize the productivity and competitiveness levels.
To achieve this virtuous circle, an effective paradigm is to offer training on maintenance and process optimization, offering the possibility of remote diagnostic assistance and new methods of guarantees.
Tamarri S.r.l. is able to provide a complete solution in this area: discover our SMARTPASS 4.0 EVO platform for the complete management of the vehicle in cloud.