Customer experience: The restart oft he manufacturing sector through customer experience.
Customer experience: trends in the manufacturing industry
The report written in collaboration with IDC called “The Relevance of Customer Centricity in Manufacturing” analyzes and highlights current trends in the manufacturing industry.
According to this report approved by many industry experts, within two years three out of four manufacturers wiil have opted for a unification of product data and production processes, everything in a single digital platform.
In this platform customer experience will have a leading role in the recovery of the manufacturing industry.
The manufacturing industry is a large and complex world that includes several sectors including food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, textiles, footwear, printing, electronics, recycling plant…and the list does not end here.
All these sectors empower different companies that share a single goal: to find new ways of iinteraction with their customers, to ensure coherent experiences and points of contact in all processes.
When it comes to interaction and processes, technology plays a leading role. A technology that puts the customer at the center of the product life cycle, from general management to the customer service.
The report mentioned before has identified five key areas to be taken into consideration in the next years, based on the experiences of operators and professionals in the sector.
The main areas in the manufacturing industry: five key elements to restart.
Custom strategies: to add value
By 2021, 30% of Global 2000 companies will choose innovative customer experience actions to add value to the segment, profile and individual customer. In particular this will happen thanks to the imolementation of artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.
We will face an “intelligent” production. This will not only allow the different manufacturing sectors to manage their activities more efficiently, but will also allow more efficient relationships and interactions with customers, thanks to a more effective use of all stages of the process: from acquisition, to renewal, loyalty, up to the generation of value both for the company and for the customer himself.
The role of Artificial intelligence and machine learning
It is estimated that Global 2000 producers will generate new business models and income streams, precisely through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
This new trend will bring the respective partners an added value of 15% by this year. New and important business opportunities are expected for the coming year, again to be attributed to artificial intelligence.
Online platform: to improve investements
It is expected that by 2020 60% of manufacturers in the manufacturing sector will rely on digital platforms to improve their investments.
Unified systems to improve the experience
75% of Global 2000 manufacturers in the manufacturing sector will use digital platforms to unify product data and production processes, which are fundamental in the customer-centred role.
This type of platform will be integrated with other solutions to provide immediate customer experiences by synchronizing data in real time between internal systems and external ecosystems.
Customer journey: innovation and change
Taking into account that by 2022 the supply of integrated, personalized and digitally connected multimedia elements will be enhanced . In colcusion, in an historical moment like this one, technology has proved to be the best solution to guarantee innovation and transformation of the market needs.
It will not be easy to achieve this and the sector will have to overcome several challenges including the transformation of manual processes or the diversification of sales channels.
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