Cucine Popolari, a virtuous intertwining of technology and solidarity. Safety and efficiency at the Cucine Popolari in Battiferro for a new warm reception.
Cucine Popolari: an example of hospitality and inclusion
Cucine Popolari is the result of a project by the CiviBo Onlus Association opened on 20th October 2014, based in Bologna in via Del Battiferro. From an idea by Roberto Morgantini, “to date, the Cucine represent an example of hospitality and inclusion. Unique on the whole national territory “, as stated by the same creator of the project.
Cucine Popolari was created with the intention of becoming a point of reference for concrete solidarity actions against poverty and loneliness. Against social unease in a broad sense.
For this they involve individual volunteers and local businesses. A sort of “active citizenship”, united in the contrast between “economic, relational and social poverty”.
The authentic identity of Cucine Popolari is placed in overcoming the charitable dimension in favour of a strong and shared feeling of inclusion.
After Covid-19 towards Phase 3
Between the rage of Covid-19 and the jungle of many anti-covid protocols, the guests to feed have certainly not decreased. Indeed, the epidemic increased the need for those who were already in difficulty.
In the months of lockdown, solidarity initiatives also slowed down. No more meals served at the table. In fact, it is difficult to guarantee social distancing at the table as in the kitchen where volunteers prepare meals every day.
But Cucine Popolari have not shied away from their vocation even in a complicated moment like the one we have just been through.
For this reason, Roberto Morgantini on Thursday 4th June announced that, Cucine Popolari will not yet be able to serve meals at the table, but from 12th June, the reception will increase. The founder of one of the most inclusive initiatives in Italy announces, in fact, that “even on Fridays our guests will be able to count on us for a hot meal and, perhaps, even an evening meal.
It therefore means that, at the request of the Head of the welfare area of the Municipality of Bologna, Adele Mimmi, the Cucine Popolari of Battiferro will not only be open from Monday to Thursday, but also on Fridays.
Phase 3 begins, safely with the GoodVibER!
The announcement by Morgantini of opening more often and therefore a greater workload for the volunteers, was the occasion to present the latest donation to the Cucine Popolari of Battiferro. Twenty GoodVibER devices by Tamarri , just for those who work in the kitchen.
Always inclined to technological innovation, in recent years Tamarri . has supplied businesses with innovative security systems. With what purpose? To allow operators and those around them to work without risk.
At the stoves of the Cucine Popolari, there are numerous volunteers. From Monday to Friday they prepare a lot of meals for all those who cannot afford one.
The work is a lot and it is not always easy to guarantee the social distancing between those who deal with this fundamental service. For this reason, Andrea Tamarri, owner of Tamarri S.p.a, as well as the creator of GoodVibER, thought that the device could be useful for working safely even at Cucine Popolari.
What is GoodVibER and why can it be useful for Cucine Popolari?
The GoodVibER is a small device the size of a remote control for electric gates. It has the function of keeping the necessary distances to counter the spread of the coronavirus. With Bluetooth technology, the Good VibER is able to signal with a vibration and a light signal that two operators are too close to each other.
A help to those who are busy among the stoves of the Cucine Popolari of Battiferro. Technology can also contribute to a solidarity project.
We at Tamarri are proud to have made our small contribution to those who have been working for years on the noble task of fighting poverty and loneliness. For all those who have been less fortunate than others.
We wish to say “Keep up the good work in safety” to all the volunteers who have contributed in making Cucine Popolari a welcoming and sharing place!